The menu for July is listed.

Rikka has only private rooms and we make every effort to prevent COVID-19.
We have introduced a ventilation system that replaces the air in the room in only 5 minutes.

We provide a safe space where you can enjoy the dining with your family or group, completely separated from other guests.


We serve an ultimate steak of the best quality beef carefully selected by a long-standing meat wholesaler with a history of half a century, cooked in a masonry oven by experienced chefs from Michelin-starred restaurants.
Enjoy the wonderful moment created by the art of maestros with the first-class ingredients.




Born in 1982

He studied under Joel Bruant, the president of the French Culinary Academy "Academie Culinaire de France", and after his retirement, became the executive chef and the chef patissier of Cuisine Francaise JJ.
Developed skills at several three-star and two-star restaurants, including Maison Paul Bocuse and Maison Pic.


With the latest ventilation system, indoor air can be changed in 5 minutes

First introduced
in Japan

The private salon with independent rooms ensures that every guest can enjoy themselves at ease.

The latest ventilation system in THE RIKKA

According to the standards set by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, workplaces with windows are recommended to open windows at home for a few minutes twice every hour. THE SUITE has installed the latest ventilation system in all private rooms in accordance with the measures taken by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare during the period of COVID-19. It only takes 5 minutes to change all the air in the room, creating an environment that feels like you are in the fresh air outside. Three operating modes can be selected according to the number of guests in the room. You can enjoy a happy time in a safe space.

High-quality services like a luxury hotel, equipped with luxurious karaoke room where guests can relax and enjoy.


Mon-Fri 11:30~15:00(LO13:30)
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 11:30~16:00(LO14:30)
Mon-Fri 17:30~23:00(LO21:00)
Saturdays, 17:00~23:00(LO21:00)
Sundays, and holidays 17:00~22:00(LO20:00)
Roppongi Building 2F, Roppongi 6-1-12-21, Minato Ward, Tokyo

0-minute walk from Exit 3 of Roppongi Station on Hibiya Line Right behind the station building "Rapiros Roppongi" 48 m from Roppongi Station.

Calligrapher PROFILE

Rikka’s Calligrapher Profile
Kinshu Iwamiya
Born in Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1947.
Professor of Japan Educational Calligraphy Federation.
Director of Yamaguchi Prefecture Calligraphy Federation.
Vice Chairman of Yamaguchi Prefecture Calligrapher Association.

<Representative Calligraphy Work>
Business name "Miyajima Fujiiya" (Miyajima Momiji Manju)
Book title "Kaicho Shima Kosaku" (written by Kenshi Hirokane, published by Kodansha Ltd.)
Book title "Torishimariyaku Shima Kosaku" (written by Kenshi Hirokane, published by Kodansha Ltd.)
Signs of all stations on Nishikigawa Seiryu Line Product name "Dassai Shima Kosaku" (Asahi-Shuzo Sake Brewing Company)
Product name "Seiryu Nishikigawa" (Horie-Shuzo Sake Brewing Company)
Product name "Omiki" (Sakai-Shuzo Sake Brewing Company)
Product name "Kintaibashi" (Murashige-Shuzo Sake Brewing Company)
Calligraphy performance at "Nishiki no Utage" - 1st "Kajitsu" and 2nd "Wa"
Invited to "Japan-China-Korea Exchange of Calligraphy Culture" as a representative of Yamaguchi Prefecture, held at Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
"Gahojin" dedicated to Tea room "Nichi Getsu An" (Ise City, Mie Prefecture) 
"Tenjo Mukyu" dedicated to Nagato Ichinomiya Sumiyoshi Shrine
"Kame" dedicated to Kameyama Hachiman-gu Shrine
"Reiwa" dedicated to Shirayama Hime Shrine
"Rikka" logo creation
In addition to holding personal exhibitions, there are many other works including door plates of shrines and temples, stone monuments, memorial stones, title of books, poster titles, large calligraphy performances at events, etc.